Course unit partition: PARMA

Academic year 2009/10
2° year of course -
Giuseppe COSSU
Academic discipline
Neuropsichiatria infantile (MED/39)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
15 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Course unit partition: NEUROLINGUISTICS

Learning objectives

<br />The Course in Neurolinguistics aims atproviding the basic notions on the structural components of the language systemand on the acquisition processes thereof. The main clinical and diagnostictools will be presented for the assessment of language disorders. Likewise,several clinical cases will be presented and discussed


<br />Studentsare required to have a basic mastery of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology<br /> 

Course unit content

<br />Neuroembriology <br />Genes and cortical areas<br />Hemispheric Dominance<br />Concepts of General Linguistics<br />Phonology<br />Articulatory and perceptual phonetics<br />Morphology<br />Syntax<br />Lexicon and Semantics<br />Pragmatico<br />Language percetion<br />Language production<br />Neurolinguistic Assessment<br />Neurolinguistic TAxonomy<br />Anarthria<br />Phonological Disorders<br />Morpho-Syntactic Disorders<br />Lexical Disorders<br />  

Full programme

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<br />Suggested Reading:<br />A. Marini: Elementi di PsicolinguisticaGenerale. Springer, 2004 ¿ 29,95<br />N. Florida: Argomenti di Neurolinguistica:Ed Il Cerro, ¿ 19,50<br /> <br />For a more detailed inquiry on the originand structure of Language:<br />N. Chomsky: Nuovi orizzonti nello studiodel linguaggio e della mente. Il Saggiatore 2005, ¿ 22,00<br /> <br /> 

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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