cod. 15645

Academic year 2012/13
5° year of course - Second semester
  • Mario ANGELONE
  • Cristiano BIACCA
  • Elena Larina DORIGHI
  • Sergio ORSI
  • Giorgio PROFETTO
  • Francesca RAPA
  • Federica ZACCHIA
Academic discipline
Clinica chirurgica veterinaria (VET/09)
Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Type of training activity
50 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

The student must learn how to holding the animals, diagnostic procedures, therapeutical options in surgery and obstetric clinic, anaesthetic protocols and surgery techniques expecially in equine and minor in bovine. In particular, the self-employed sector will take care of:
Fertility test in the stallion
Protocols for the preparation, the refrigeration and the delivery of the semen in the stallion
Techniques for the resumpion of the normal ovarian activity of the mare
Caslick’s surgery
Twins pregnancy reduction in the mare

Oestrus syncronization programs in the mare
Oestrus syncronization programs in the cow
- Artificial insemination in cows)
- Artificial insemination in mares)
Post ovulatory and therapeutical antibiotic uterine infusion in the mare and in the cow

Clinical and ecographic pregnancy diagnosis in the mare and in the cow
Delivery assistance in the cow and in the mare
- Eutocic
- Dystocic
- Caesareus
Parturition induction in cows and mares
Treatment of retained placenta in the cow and in the mare
Assistance and first cares to the newborn in the different species

Neonatal and perinatal pathologies in bovine and equine species and their therapy)
- Rectal palpation and ultrasonographycal examination in the cow
- Rectal palpation and ultrasonographycal examination in the mare



Course unit content

During traineeship the students are enrolled in Veterinary Teachin Hospital activities, and they follow for one week vets working in practice, in particular for bovine, equine end exotic animals. Activities regard diagnose and therapy in surgery and obsteric clinic expecially in bovine and equine

Full programme



Practical activities

Teaching methods

The students are enrolled in Veterinary Hospital activities and in vets practice (Bovine, equine and swine. They can do by theirself, help to do or seeing practice.

Assessment methods and criteria

Discussion and practical demonstration

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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