cod. 1000348

Academic year 2008/09
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Disegno (ICAR/17)
Ingegneria civile
Type of training activity
45 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: DESIGN

Learning objectives

The goal of the course is to render engineering students capable of translating into drawings <br />
<br />
that conform to standards, the three-dimensional geometric models used in construction and <br />
<br />
architecture, as well as be able to understand these models from the reading of technical drawings <br />
<br />
and maps. <br />


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Course unit content

<p> The course is comprised of lessons in theory covering: <br />
<br />
topics in Descriptive Geometry to introduce a range of projective methods <br />
<br />
which may be used to prepare drawings: orthogonal projections, parallel or asymmetric <br />
<br />
projections, central or perspective projections, theory of shading and applications <br />
<br />
that combine the various projection methods To provide for continuous and gradual <br />
<br />
learning of representational methods, exercises will be performed at the same time <br />
<br />
involving preparation of drawings which will be updated <br />
<br />
continuously. <br />
<br />

Full programme

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<p>M. Bocconcino, A. Osello, C. Vernizzi, Disegno e geometria, Vol.I de Il Disegno e </p>
<p>l'Ingegnere, Levrotto e Bella, Torino, 2006 <br />
<br />
G. Ceiner, Teoria delle Ombre, Vol. II de Il Disegno e l'Ingegnere, Levrotto e Bella, <br />
<br />
Torino, 1991 <br />
<br />

Teaching methods

For those students who prepared drawings as part of the Descriptive Geometry course and who <br />
<br />
passed the extemporaneous exam given at the conclusion of the first cycle of lessons, the exam <br />
<br />
will be an oral one based on the content of the lessions given on <br />
<br />
Descriptive Geometry. <br />
<br />
Students who do not perform or do not pass the extemporaneous exam must sit <br />
<br />
a written exam on topics related to Descriptive Geometry in order to be admitted to the final <br />
<br />
oral exam. <br />

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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