cod. 01740

Academic year 2012/13
4° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Chirurgia maxillofacciale (MED/29)
Clinica delle specialità medico-chirurgiche
Type of training activity
7 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: HEAD AND NECK DISEASES

Learning objectives

Across a thoroug treatment of the varied areas of interest of the specific discipline (traumatology; congenit and acquired malformations; oncology), it is wanted to provoke in the student a passion exceeding the simple overcoming of the final examination of the course, stimulating in him the curiosity to deepen the varied arguments so to reach a good professional training to be able to diagnose and to differentiate the varied pathological conditions during its future activity.


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Course unit content

Clefts lip and palate: embryology, clinics, therapy
- Clinical features of the main cranio-facial malformations
- Dentofacial anomalies: clinics, therapy
- Surgical pathology of the salivary glands (with special interest to parotid tumors)
- Oral cavity cancer: etiopathogenesis, clinics, therapy
- Malignant tumors of the paranasal sinuses: diagnosis, clinics, therapy
- Reconstructive surgery of the head and neck region: general concepts and short accounts of the main used flaps
- Traumatology of the maxillo-facial district: clinics, therapy

Full programme

- Clefts lip and palate: embryology, clinics, therapy
- Clinical features of the main cranio-facial malformations
- Dentofacial anomalies: clinics, therapy
- Surgical pathology of the salivary glands (with special interest to parotid tumors)
- Oral cavity cancer: etiopathogenesis, clinics, therapy
- Malignant tumors of the paranasal sinuses: diagnosis, clinics, therapy
- Reconstructive surgery of the head and neck region: general concepts and short accounts of the main used flaps
- Traumatology of the maxillo-facial district: clinics, therapy


Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale-SICMF:Trattato di Patologia Chirurgica Maxillo Facciale Ed.Minerva Medica – Thawley, Panje, Batzakis, Lindberg: Comprehensive management of head and neck tumors, Ed. Saunders – Urken, Cheney, Sullivan, Biller: Atlas of regional and free flaps for head and neck reconstruction, Ed.Raven – Fonseca, Walker, Betts, Barber: Orall and maxillofacial trauma, Ed.Saunders,

Teaching methods

oral lesson

Assessment methods and criteria

oral exam

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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