cod. 1003594

Academic year 2013/14
5° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
15 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The course offers to students a comprehensive analysis of Italian criminal procedure, including foundational principles, rules of evidence, investigation, judgments and appeals


In order to sit the subject of Criminal procedure students must have passed Foundations of Private Law, Foundations of Roman Law and Criminal law.

Course unit content

The course offers a comprehensive analysis of Italian criminal procedure in the light of constitutional principles and international treaties. Special attention will be paid to statutory reforms and rulings of the Italian Constitutional Court that had an impact on the Code of Criminal Procedure.

7 Credits
Prof Piermaria Corso

Program includes the following parts of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure: I (Subjects) – II (Pleadings) - III (Evidence), IV (precautionary measures), V (investigations and preliminary hearing), VII (trial).

9 Credits
Prof. Alfredo Avanzini

Program includes the following parts of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure: VI (special proceedings), VIII (trial before a single-judge court), IX (appeals), X (execution), XI (international cooperation).
Program also includes the criminal proceedings before the Justice of the Peace (Decree N. 274 of the year 2000), and the proceedings about d. lgs. n. 274/2000.

Full programme

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M. PISANI e altri, Manuale di Procedura Penale, Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, 2008.
PAOLOZZI, Vademecum degli enti sotto processo, Giappichelli, Torino, 2006.
Students should also purchase the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure, with the latest statutory amendments.

Teaching methods

Lecture-based course.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination. Students who attend classes on a regular basis will be allowed to sit a portion of the exam within the month december 2009 in relation to parts I-II-III-IV-V-VII of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure

Other information

Special programs refer to students from prior years and enrolled in former editions of this course (see Italian version).

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