cod. 03603

Academic year 2014/15
5° year of course - First semester
Patrizia SANTI
Academic discipline
Farmaceutico tecnologico applicativo (CHIM/09)
Discipline chimiche, farmaceutiche e tecnologiche
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Integrated course unit module: COSMETICS

Learning objectives

The objective of the module is the acquisition of the basic knowledge relative to functional cosmetics and cosmetic technology, both traditional and more innovative. The module gives the basic notions on the main raw products of cosmetic interest, on their functions, on the formulative techniques of the most relevant categories of cosmetics, as well as on the stability controls on finished products. The course covers also the European Regulatory Guidelines for Cosmetics, with particular regards to labeling and safety.
The expected learning outcomes are:
1. Knowledge and understanding: understanding of the functional mechanisms of the skin. Acquisition of the notions relative to functional cosmetics and to cosmetic technology. Ability to use the specific language and the correct terminology for cosmetic ingredients.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding: capability to recognize the function of each excipient of a given cosmetic product and the possible interactions. Capability to formulate the main categories of cosmetic products (solutions, creams, lotions, detergents).
3. Communication skills: ability to use the specific language for this specialistic discipline. Be able to present the characteristic of a cosmetic product also to a non-expert audience.
4. Making judgements: the capability to evaluate the quality of a cosmetic product as a function of its composition and its packaging.
5. Learning skills: capability to connect the different subjects studied among them and with the basic disciplines. Capability of continuous education, through the scientific publications in the field of pharmaceutical technology.


Basic knowledge of pharmaceutical technology is required.

Course unit content

The contents of the module are:
Functions of cosmetic products: hygiene, eutrophy, aesthetic
Anatomy and physiology of the skin
Cosmetic raw materials: active moieties and excipients
Silicones for cosmetic use
Vehicles for cosmetic formulations: solutions, emulsions, suspensions
Innovative cosmetic formulations: liposomes, nanoparticles, multiple emulsions and microemulsions
Skin moisturizers
Skin care products
Skin Detergents
Cosmetic products for hair care
Skin aging
New active moieties: alfahydroxyacids
Vitamines in cosmetic
Effect of UV radiation on the skin: UV filters
Make-up products
Deodorants, Antiperspirants and Perfumes
Cosmetic for skin whitening
Stability of cosmetic formulations
European Regulatory Guidelines for Cosmetics

Full programme

The contents of the module are:
Functions of cosmetic products: hygiene, eutrophy, aesthetic
Anatomy and physiology of the skin
Cosmetic raw materials: active moieties and excipients
Silicones for cosmetic use
Vehicles for cosmetic formulations: solutions, emulsions, suspensions
Innovative cosmetic formulations: liposomes, nanoparticles, multiple emulsions and microemulsions
Skin moisturizers
Skin care products
Skin Detergents
Cosmetic products for hair care
Skin aging
New active moieties: alfahydroxyacids
Vitamines in cosmetic
Effect of UV radiation on the skin: UV filters
Make-up products
Deodorants, Antiperspirants and Perfumes
Cosmetic for skin whitening
Stability of cosmetic formulations
European Regulatory Guidelines for Cosmetics


A.V., Manuale del Cosmetologo, Ed. Tecniche Nuove (Milano)
G.PROSERPIO, "Le basi della cosmetologia", Ed. SEPEM, Milano.
BONADEO“ Prodotti Cosmetici, cosmetología e tecnología cosmetiche” Ed. Librería Cortina (Milano)

Teaching methods

The module includes lessons.

Assessment methods and criteria

To acquire the final grade of the exam, the student must show to be have learned and to be able to use the basic concepts of each subject. In particular he/she should:
a) pass an exam (either oral or written), during the official dates established by the Dipartimento di Farmacia (Module of cosmetic products, weight 50% of the overall grade);
b) pass an exam (either oral or written), during the official dates established by the Dipartimento di Farmacia (Module of innovative pharmaceutical formulations, weight 50% of the overall grade);
the overall grade);

The grade, expressed in thirtieths, will be based on the following criteria:
1. knowledge and comprehension (theoretical and practical) capability of the subjects studied;
2. making judgements ability
3. communication skills and appropriate use of the technical language;
4. ability to learn.

Other information

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