Course unit partition: Cognomi M-Z

Academic year 2012/13
1° year of course -
Academic discipline
Disegno (ICAR/17)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
50 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Course unit partition: DIGITAL DRAWING

Learning objectives

The main purpose of the course is therefore to provide the student the technical and cultural tools to describe and study the forms of:
- The development of autonomous capabilities of observation, understanding and graphic description of forms in space, at different scales and by different codes of representation,
- The acquisition of the laws and projective methods for scientific representation on the floor,
- The mastery of use of the different instruments of representation at 2 and / or 3 dimensions, with particular reference to the drawing freehand,
- Knowledge of the basic conventions of architectural drawing.
The acquisition of basic content will be through the integrated teaching a learning module based on the specific representation of the architecture.


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Course unit content

The architecture design and Descriptive Geometry
The course is part of the teaching of the first year of the faculty as a fundamental teaching, since the design is of an introductory essential connotation in relation to other disciplines of architecture. It constitutes the specific language and the prerequisite of any constructive intervention for the development of the project idea and representation is essential to its implementation.
As a discipline of architecture, the representation uses two privileged cognitive tools: the design, which develops the ability to describe the spatial forms through two-dimensional graphic images and descriptive geometry, which forms the basis of the projective scientific representation of the shapes on the floor.

Full programme

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M. Docci, M. Gaiani, D. Maestri, Scienza del disegno, Città studi edizioni, Novara novembre 2011
- R. Migliari, Geometria descrittiva, volume I – metodi e costruzioni, Città studi edizioni, Novara maggio 2009.
- M. Bocconcino, A. Osello, C. Vernizzi: “Disegno e Geometria”, collana “Il Disegno e l’Ingegnere”, Levrotto e Bella, Torino, 2006.
- G. Ceiner: “Teoria delle Ombre”, II vol. de “Il Disegno e l’Ingegnere”, Levrotto e Bella, Torino, 1991.
- M. Canciani, Il disegno in prospettiva, edizioni Kappa, Roma 2005.
- Michela Rossi, Il segno e la forma – grammatica grafica per l’architettura, Quaderni per la Didattica e la Ricerca della Facoltà di Architettura, DRR 01, Mattioli, Fidenza, 2006.
- Cesare Cundari, Il Disegno. Ragioni. Fondamenti. Applicazioni., Edizioni Kappa, Roma, 2006.
- M. Canciani, I disegni di progetto. Costruzioni, tipi e analisi, Città Studi Edizioni, Novara, 2009
- Bocconcino, Osello, Vernizzi, Zerbi, Il disegno del terriorio della città e dell’architettura. Applicazioni per allievi ingegneri e architetti.
- B. Aterini: “Introduzione ai metodi di rappresentazione delle geometria descrittiva”, Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 1997
- R. Migliari: “Geometria dei Modelli”, Edizioni Kappa, Roma, 2003
- A. Sgrosso, A. de Rosa, A. Giordano: “La geometria dell’immagine – Storia dei metodi di rappresentazione”, UTET, Milano (3 volumi: I° volume, A: de Rosa, “Dall’antichità al Medioevo”, 2000; II° volume, A. Sgrosso, “Rigore scientifico e sensibilità artistica tra Rinascimento e Barocco”, 2001; A. Giordano, “Dal secolo dei lumi all’epoca attuale”, 2002)
- Adolf Loos, Parole nel vuoto, Adelphi, 2005
- Le Corbusier, Verso un’architettura, Longanesi, 1966
- P. Giandebiaggi, Il disegno dell’utopia, Ricerche di rappresentazione e rilievo, Mattioli, 2003
- C. Vernizzi, Parma e la Via Emilia, Ricerche di rappresentazione e rilievo, Mattioli, 2004
- M. Rossi, Strade d’acqua – dal rilievo del territorio al disegno del paesaggio, Ricerche di rappresentazione e rilievo, Mattioli, 2004
- A. Zerbi, Dalla misura al modello digitale, Ricerche di rappresentazione e rilievo, Mattioli, 2006
- Sgrosso, De Rosa, Giordano, La geometria dell’immagine – Storia dei metodi di rappresentazione, UTET, Milano, 2002
- E. Panofsky, La prospettiva come forma simbolica, Feltrinelli, Milano, 1961

Teaching methods

descriptive geometry
The course is conducted through lectures whose content is essentially composed of the topics of Descriptive Geometry to projective knowing the different ways through which you can develop designs (orthogonal projections listed projections parallel or asymmetric central projection or perspective, theory shadows and between different applications homological projective methods), in order to homogenize the expressive abilities of students from various didactic middle-upper.
To allow for continuous learning and gradual integration of systems of representation will take place in parallel exercises that will consist in the development of graphics boards, which will be consistently right, and whose themes will follow exactly those lessons, in order to verify design together in the laboratories of learning methods of representation.
architecture drawing
Specifically, the course is conducted through lectures relating to the representation of the typical themes of Architecture at different scales of representation (representation of the territory, the city of buildings and architecture, up the stairs ies) to make students able to express graphically the contents of following courses focusing on human achievements in the field of construction.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination consists of the performance of:

- 3 extempore (descriptive geometry, architecture design, drawing from life) in A3 format, developed in class, withdrawn at the end of the lesson by the teacher, corrected subsequently evaluated and returned;
- 2 extempore (project design, drawing particular) in A3 format, developed in class, withdrawn at the end of the lesson by the teacher, corrected subsequently evaluated and returned;
- 14/15 panels executed in the classroom, A3, on the topics proposed to be withdrawn lesson to lesson, correct, evaluated and returned thereafter;
- Album of drawings in a totally free, but containing at least 20 representatives drawn architectures developed according to the mode of drawing from life.
General rules
All tables are to be carried out individually and for the final examination, the student must have passed sufficiently all the exercises of the three modules, in particular:
- Tables and extempore must be performed in the classroom, if insufficient, redone;
- The graphic tables performed in class will have a fitness;
- The evaluation of thirty will be given on extempore:
0-8 points for descriptive geometry, architecture design, drawing from life
0-4 points for project design
0-2 points for the design of special
Album sketches:
The album of the sketches are required drawings divided general topics. These drawings must be checked and signed by the faculty at maturity (see timetable here).
Examination must be submitted all the documents produced during the year (15 tables of descriptive geometry, 5 extempore, the album still life drawing and the last exercise of the project design) strictly bound in a single file, which is called a cover, containing all the information of the course.

Other information

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