cod. 1005878

Academic year 2015/16
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Geologia applicata (GEO/05)
Discipline geomorfologiche e geologiche applicative
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
The purpose of the course, in its first section, is to widen and deepen the notion that were acquired in the course of Applied Geology and, in its second section, to analyse the stability of slopes in order to allow the students to better face and manage the geological and environmental problems connected with the mountainous territory, the slope excavations and consolidation intervention in rock and soils.
Applying knowledge, understanding and making judgments:
There will be theoretical lessons regarding the course, followed by practical exercises during which, using the personal computer, the students will face real problems regarding slope stability analysis in rocks and soils, determination of the hazard limits connected with rock falls and debris flows as well as proposal of remediation measures and evaluation of its effectiveness.
Communication skills:
The student will bring its solved excersices to the exam and will be required to illustrate his/her verification strategies as well as to describe and justify his/her design choices.


Applied Geology, Geotechnics

Course unit content

Geological and geomechanical survey
Preliminary study, survey devices, on site observations, relation between different geological formations, geological limits, Geomorphological characters, survey of tectonic structures, survey for applied geology studies

Geological subsurface exploration
The borehole suvey: programming and controllino. Restitution, elaboration and interpretation of stratimetric data. The penetrometric tests, Construction of stratigraphic profiles and geotechnical models. Geophisical survey: local seismic response, Seismic prospection on surface. Seismic prospection in boreholes (down hole, cross hole, tomography). Characterization of soils related to the new seismic regulations.

Geomechanical survey and rock mass classification
The geomechanical survey. Survey techniques and discontinuity orientation mapping. Definition of rock mass. Rock mass mechanical features. Rock mass classification and estimate of strength and deformability parameters.

The dynamics of natural slopes
Naming and definitions of landslides. Superficial and in depth controls, the geomorphological risk, Hazard, Exposition, vulnerability. Evaluation of landslide hazard, Prevision, prevention and mitigation of landslide risk. The geomorphological and stability mapping. Methodology for the drainage and consolidation of natural slopes.

Soil slope stability analysis
Analytical and numerical calculation methods. Global Limit Equilibrium methods: theory and application. Introduction to the computerized slope stability analysis. Stability analysis of artificial slopes: embankments and waste disposal sites. Introduction to finite element and finite differences methods for slope stability analysis.

Rock slope stability analysis
Analytical and numerical calculation methods. The key block theory. Global Limit Equilibrium methods for rock slopes. Introduction to the computerized slope stability analysis.

Rock fall and Debris Flows
Triggering and propagation analysis of rock mass phenomena and debris flows. Design indications about consolidation intervention, reinforcing and protection of slopes.

Monitoring Systems
Objectives and usefulness of slope monitoring. Choice of best technologies based on phenomenological differences. Installation techniques. Real time monitoring and early warning systems. Threshold definition.

Full programme

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Laura Scesi, Monica Papini – Il rilevamento geologico tecnico – CittàStudi Edizioni - Torino.
C. Airò Farulla - Analisi di stabilità dei pendii (2001) - Hevelius Edizioni, Benevento.
Giani G. P. (1996) Rock Slope stability analysis–Balkema, Rotterdam
Giani G. P. (1999) Caduta Massi –Hevelius Edizioni Benevento

Teaching methods

Theoretical Lessons and computer aided practical excercises

Assessment methods and criteria

Written and/or Oral 70% including:
- Theoretical questions (knowledge)
- Application of theory and excercises (Applying knowledge )
Verification of the exercise handbook 30% including:
- Theoretical questions (knowledge)
- Original Application of theory (making judgments)
- Illustration of the design choices (communication skills)

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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