Course unit partition: Cognomi A-L

Academic year 2015/16
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica (ICAR/20)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
80 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Course unit partition: URBAN PLANNING AND DESIGN II

Learning objectives

The Workshop aims to provide theoretical and practical tools for the critical analysis of recent urban transformations. Intends in particular to provide advanced knowledge about the main methods of planning and technical knowledge for the methodological approach of the plan and the development plan.
The information obtained, especially the project experience, will allow the student to develop specific communication skills and further learning on the issues of urban planning and design



Course unit content

Contents include the following main topics and general topics, each of which is divided into an ordered group of lessons:
1. Introduction to urban planning
Definitions according to different lines of interpretation and disciplinary perspectives. The contribution of specialist fields: geography and urban economics, sociology, urban history, urbanism 'disciplinary'. Main characters, i.e. economic motives, morphology, organization, planning, of contemporary urban development. The geography and economy of urban space, the system infrastructure, production, residence, commerce, management, service. Scope and contents of following disciplines: urban or urban design, spatial planning, town planning, urban geography, economic planning;
2. The organization of the city
The organization of the city. Functional specialization and zoning. Urban areas and units. The qualification of public space and the urban plan of unity. Commercial functions and urban animation. Synergies and conflicts. Shopping centers and peripheral urban settlements.
3. Theories of urban planning: the relationship between urban planning and the protection and enhancement of the landscape, agricultural structures and traditional rural settlements. The project of urban green spaces.
4. Techniques of urban design
Under the theme of urban design were held the following more specific topics:
- The project in context of parts of the city: the storage, retrieval and conversion of historic districts, the project of self-sufficient residential neighborhoods, the project of new production facilities and new infrastructure.
- The relationship between urban planning and the protection and enhancement of the landscape, agricultural structures and traditional rural settlements.
- The structures of mobility and urban design. Practice the design of public spaces. Functional classification of roads. Features of the road. Public transport and urban road network.
5. The project of the city from scratch.
And 'the central theme of the workshop, which aims to reflect on the scenarios of contemporary urban design also through the examination of case studies with the active participation of the students.

Full programme

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Aymonino, C., Piazze d’Italia. Progettare gli spazi aperti, Electa, Milano, 1987.
Boggiano, A., La Centralità Urbana, La progettazione di un luogo centrale urbano, Alinea, Firenze,1992.
Bronzini, F., Bedini, M. A., Sampaolesi, S. (a cura di), La città amica di Roberto Busi, Ancona University Press, Ancona, 2011, ISBN 9788896795033
Cagnardi, A. (a cura di), Strade, Piazze, Spazi Collettivi e Scena Urbana, Franco Angeli, Milano,1983.
Crowe, S., Garden Design, Packard Publishing Limited, London, 1981, Ed. It. Il Progetto Del Giardino, Franco Muzzio, Roma, 2003, ISBN 88-7413-009-0.
Damianakos, D., “Unificazione Di Spazi Archeologici e Strade Pedonali Urbane. L'esperienza Di Atene”, In: AA.VV., Vivere E Camminare In Città, Andare A Scuola - Living and Walking in Cities, Going to School, Eur 17774, Commissione Europea, European Commission, Luxembourg - Bruxelles, 1997, ISBN 92-828-0866-1.
Damianakos, D., “Il Segno Dell'uomo Nell'ambiente. Metodologia di Indagine Territoriale, Archeologica e Paleoambientale: L'esperienza del Parco della Piana Fiorentina”, in: AA.VV., Archeologia e Ambiente, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Istituto Per I Beni Artistici Culturali Naturali Della Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna.
Damianakos, D. Ventura, P., Zavrides, N.( a cura di), Minor Communities and Natural and Cultural Heritage: an Asset or a Liability?, McGrraw-Hill, Milano, 2011..
Giorgieri, P., Ventura, P., Strada Strade, Edifir, Firenze, 2007.
Halprin, L., Changing Places, Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, 1986.
Innocenti, R., et al. (a cura di), Mutamenti del territorio e innovazioni negli strumenti urbanistici, Atti dell’VIII Conferenza della Società Italiana degli Urbanisti, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2005, ISBN 88-464-6303-X.
Jellicoe G., & S., The Landscape of Man, Thames And Hudson, London, 1987.
Little, C. E., Greenways for America, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD., 1990.
Mostaedi A.(a cura di) Urban Spaces, Links, London - Barcelona, 2004, ISBN 84-89861-92-7
Paba, G., Luoghi Comuni, La Città come Laboratorio di Progetti Collettivi, Angeli, Milano, 1998.
Simone, M. (a cura di), Trasporto Pubblico Locale, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Negri, Bologna, 1999.
Soulier, L. Espaces Verts et Urbanisme, Centre De Recherche D'urbanisme, Paris, 1977.
Tira, M., Zazzi, M., Pianificare le reti ciclabili territoriali, Gangemi, Roma, 2007.
Toccolini, A., Fumagalli, N., Senes, G. Progettare i percorsi verdi. Manuale per la realizzazione di greenways, Maggioli, Rimini, 2004.
Unwin, R., Town Planning in Practice, 1909, Ed. It. La Pratica della Progettazione Urbana, Il Saggiatore, Milano, 1995.
Ventura, P., Città e Stazione Ferroviaria, Firenze University Press, II ed. Edifir, 2005, ISBN 88-7970-216-5.
Zoppi M., & Co., Progettare con il Verde, Vol. II, I Vuoti Urbani, Alinea, Firenze, 1989.

Teaching methods

The course is organized as follows:
- Introductory lectures on the main topics
- Exercises
- Monographic research on new town case studies
- In-depth lessons
- Public discussion and coordination of student project step by step.
The workshop includes seminars with external lecturers from other universities, as well as meetings and exchanges with other sections and courses of the Workshop of Urban Planning and Design at the University of Parma

Assessment methods and criteria

The final examination comprises an interview on the notional contents of the Laboratory and a discussion of the urban project carried out by students. During the year some preliminary mid-term reviews are scheduled.
Examination is an opportunity for an open discussion, including self-assessment, on faced urban planning topics.

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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