Course unit partition: Parma Azienda USL

Academic year 2015/16
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
of face-to-face activities
hub: Parma Azienda USL
course unit


Learning objectives

The course aims to enable the student to know and to understand the essential elements of demo-ethno-anthropology in order to allow the student the ability to use knowledge and understanding acquired in identifying the problems of the person linked to the status of the patient from different culture and to begin to address issues related with the preparation of an appropriate care plan.
The student at the end of the course will demonstrate knowledge and understanding about:
• the main concepts and methods of anthropology
• observation and ethnographic method
The student also applying the knowledge and understanding acquired, shall be able, even collaborating with other professionals, to
- Begin to identify the problems of the person linked to the status of patient fromdifferent culture
- Identify the principles that underlie the preparation of a care plan


no one

Course unit content

The course tackles the theme of change taking place in society with the arrival of the bearers of different cultures and analyzes, with an anthropological look, problems and opportunities that the contact between different cultures involves even in the nursing profession

Full programme

• Main concepts and methods of anthropology
• The observation and ethnographic method
• The communication and interactions in everyday life socilai
• Illness and care: medical and health issues in anthropological perspective


• Siniscalchi V., Antropologia culturale, Carocci, Roma, 2001 (Cap. 1-2-4-5)
Students will be provided with a booklet. The contents of the booklet are taken from the following references:
• Pizza G., Antropologia medica. Saperi, pratiche e politiche del corpo, Carocci, Roma, 2005
• Sontag S., Malattia come metafora. Il cancro e la sua mitologia, Einaudi, Torino, 1979
• Sclavi M., Arte di ascoltare e mondi possibili, Mondadori, Milano, 2003
• Fabietti U., Malighetti R., Matera V., Dal tribale al globale, Milano, 2002
• Pellegrino V. (a cura di), Mediare tra chi e che cosa?, Unicopli, Milano, 2007
• Pellegrino V. (a cura di), L’occidente e il mediterraneo agli occhi dei migranti, Unicopli, Milano, 2009
• Byron J.Good, Narrare la malattia, Edizioni di Comunità, Torino, 1999
• Cinotti R.,Cipolla C. (a cura di), La qualità condivisa fra servizi sanitari e cittadini, F.Angeli, Milano, 2003

Teaching methods

lectures using audiovisual tools and classroom discussion

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of the objectives of the course consists of an oral examination. Through questions about the contents of the course will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of knowledge and understanding of the content. Through questions regarding prevention strategies and preparation of a care plan will be determined whether the student has achieved the aim of applying the acquired knowledge

Other information

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