cod. 05914

Academic year 2016/17
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Topografia e cartografia (ICAR/06)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
The student, at the end of the course, should have a basic knowledge of surveying discipline, of topography and cartography; should have developed a basic understanding of photogrammetry and digital imaging from a theoretical point of view; should have developed a basic understanding of laser scanning applications.

Applying knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student should be capable of performing a topographical and photogrammetrical architectural survey: calibration, ground point surveying, image acquisition, orientation and restitution.

Making judgements:
At the end of the course the student should have developed basic judgment skills to evaluate the best surveying techniques to be applied to a basic architectural surveying problem as well as the ability to assess the goodness from a qualitative point of view of a photogrammetric survey.

Comunication skills:
At the end of the course the student should have developed a sufficient (surveying) terminology and should be able to correctly express concepts and ideas.


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Course unit content

The course is divided into two parts: a theoretical and a practical.
Theoretical part
In the first part of the course will cover the following topics:
- Brief overview of Surveying, Cartography and Remote Sensing
- Brief overview of analytical photogrammetry aspects.
- Digital photogrammetry
- Laser Scanning
- Main photogrammetric products
- Architectural and Cultural Heritage photogrammetric survey

Practical part
The second part of the course will be devoted to the detection of a real case study and will deepen the student abilities in
- Image block design
- Camera Calibration
- Use of digital photogrammetric software

Full programme

Lecture Module 0: Introduction
Theoretical concepts:
Brief review of topography, cartography and remote sensing

Lecture Module 1: Analytical Photogrammetry
Theoretical concepts:
Collinearity Equations
Projection of a plane - Homography
Stereo restitution in the normal case
A brief review of optics, image formation and geometric distortion
Exterior orientation
Practical activities:
Image block design
Analytical calibration of an off-the-shelf camera

Lecture module 2: Digital photogrammetry
Theoretical concepts:
Digital image features
Image matching techniques
Practical activities:
Use of a digital photogrammetry software

Lecture module 3: Laser scanner
Theoretical concepts:
Functioning principles (Time of flight, phase difference, triangulation)
Functioning features
Point cloud alignment

Lecture module 4: Products
Theoretical concepts:
Stereoscopic vision
Digital surface model production
Image rectification
Orthophoto production
3D modelling
Practical activities:
3D modelling of a building


- Selvini, Elementi di fotogrammetria (DISPONIBILE IN BIBLIOTECA – 1 COPIA SOLO CONSULTAZIONE INTERNA) Città Studi ISBN: 9788825171013

Teaching methods

The subject is developed on in-class lectures presented mainly using powerpoint slides, in-class practical activities and group (three members each) in-class and home activities. In the last part of the course seminar activities are offered to the class deepening some of the topics covered in the lectures. Every group is expected to produce a final surveying project assisted by the teaching staff (mid-term revisions).

Assessment methods and criteria

The course is graded based an oral discussion concerning the main theoretical aspects illustrated in class and on their application to the execution of the surveying project and the companion graphic elaborations of the chosen architectural object.

theoretical part:
30% divided as follows: Illustration of theoretical topics and their application to real case scenarios 25% Proper use of technical terminology 5%
practical part:
70% divided as follows: proper conduct of the survey 40%, quality of graphic restitution 20% Proper use of technical terminology 10%

Other information

Attending the lectures are highly advisable.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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