cod. 1007980

Academic year 2018/19
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Economia e gestione delle imprese (SECS-P/08)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
35 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: BRAND MANAGEMENT

Learning objectives

At the end of the teaching, the student will be able to ...
Understand the meaning of Brand Equity.
Identify the factors on which to focus in order to defend the brand value over time.
Select the elements on which to build a brand new retirement.
At the end of the teaching, the student will be able to ...
Formulate a marketing plan to launch a new brand.
Evaluate variables on which act to build and/or strengthen Brand Equity.
Rationalize the management of the brands through the use of arrays of brand portfolio.
Develop a strategic and operational Brand Management project.


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Course unit content

The brand, one of the main strategic resource assets of modern economics, has taken on an importance that goes beyond the boundaries of today's marketing and business. The brand has taken over time even a social, psychological, and architectural semantics. What are the critical steps in the process of setting the value of a brand? Which companies have found the most effective solutions in the process of creation and strategic management of brand equity? The class aims to provide answers to the questions just places. The contents of the lessons also aim to clarify the process of launching a new brand and how to develop and maintain the value of the Brand (Brand management). Particularly, the lectures will focus on brand positioning approaches. The lectures will make reference to specific sectors.
In the first part of the course we focus on conceptual models of brand, and we stimulates the development of knowledge and skills about how to create and maintain a brand with both traditional marketing tools and new approaches related to web marketing.

In the first part the students learn to apply the traditional models of Brand Equity. The course clarifies the construction of cognitive and identifying components of the brand: brand identity, brand awareness and brand image. The second part of the class refers to the contribution that semiotics, applied to marketing, has given to the process of building a brand image. It is relevant to know the semiotic approach and to clarify the concept of portfolio of architecture and Brand Extension (extension of brand image) in order to develop effective marketing policies. Lectures will attempt to provide answers to the following questions: How do I create a brand? What are the critical steps? How do you build a brand? The last lesson will focus on brand management in the digital age, the logic of unconventional marketing and web marketing.

Full programme

New products and naming of new products. The naming and the choice of the brand and logo.
The determinants of Brand Equity and therefore the value of a brand
The concept of brand positioning and perceptual maps.
Cases and examples of successful brand positioning.
Extending the brand into new product areas. Licensing and alliances between companies. Co-branding and co-marketing.
Small business and branding. Developing a brand with marketing investments limited.
The brand into the digital age. The most recent changes in the path of building the brand image in the web era, social media and mobile.


Slide lectures and study notes by the professor. The handout will be available from Photocopies of the Department SEA at the beginning of the class. The final exam for students (either attending that not attending) will also include a selection of articles.Michael J. Silverstein, Dylan Bolden, Rune Jacobsen, Rohan Sajdeh, Rocket. Il segreto della crescita in otto lezioni, Egea, Milano, 2016.

Teaching methods

Academies classroom
Business case analysis
Group and team work
More specifically, during the course, in addition to lectures, the following activities took place:
 Lectures conducted by managers or entrepreneurs on Brand Management. The academies allow you to grasp the specificity of Brand Equity in different contexts and organization. The purpose is to highlight the diversity of possible competitive strategies and choices of marketing profits to the construction of the economic value of a brand, its management, maintenance and defense of the value.
 The presentation and study of case studies will allow a first verification and direct application of methods and concepts presented in the lectures.
 Finally, the development of a group effort to allow students to apply the analytical and managerial skills developed during the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam is written and is based on six open questions related to cases, testimony and related concepts, models and tools presented and discussed during the course. You want to evaluate both the application capabilities of the knowledge learned during the course from both analytical and managerial knowledge learning and ensure their proper understanding.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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