cod. 1005879

Academic year 2019/20
2° year of course - Second semester
Alessandro CHELLI
Academic discipline
Geografia fisica e geomorfologia (GEO/04)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
72 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course Geomorphological Mapping has among its specific objectives those of providing a solid preparation on the techniques of mapping the landforms of the earth surface and the knowledge and operational tools useful to perform a geomorphological map, also for entering the world of work (also with reference to the enrollment in the professional register of "Senior Geologist") and for access to the I and II level masters.
These objectives are achieved through the acquisition of:
- advanced knowledge for the execution of the geomorphological mapping of an area and for the issue of a geomorphological map and the contents of the related explanatory notes;
- ability to apply the techniques of geomorphological mapping to a concrete study case and to prepare a geomorphological map and the related explanatory notes.



Course unit content

The course of Geomorphological mapping furnish the knowledge and methods to perform a geomorphological map.

Full programme

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-D’Orefice M., Graciotti R. (2015) – Rilevamento geomorfologico e cartografia. Realizzazione, lettura, interpretazione. Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, 359 pp. ISBN: 978-88- 579-0402-3
-Dramis F., Bisci C. (1998) -”Cartografia geomorfologica”, Pitagora Ed., Bologna.
-Panizza M. (2016) - Manuale di Geomorfologia applicata. FrancoAngeli Editore, Milano, 534 pp.
-Smith J.S., Paron P., Griffiths J.S (eds) (2011) - Geomorphological mapping methods and applications. J. F. Shroder Jr (series ed.), Developments in Earth Surface Processes 15, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 612 pp. ISBN: 978-0-444-53446-0; ISSN 0928-2025

Teaching methods

The course will be divided into lectures aimed at defining the general theoretical framework and in lectures, always frontal, on the presentation and discussion of case studies. The course will be integrated with exercises with the use of aerial photographs. Finally, the geomorphological map and the related explanatory notes will be completed by the students (activity partially guided).
Lessons (2 CFU), fieldwork (3 CFU), editing of definitive geomorphological map and explanatory notes (1 CFU).

Assessment methods and criteria

The ability of the student to use autonomously the acquired cognitive tools and to integrate and synthesize the knowledge with correct written language is verified during the geomorphological mapping from aerial photos and in the field and in the drafting of the geomorphological map and related explanatory notes.
The ability of the student to communicate to third parties in a synthetic and effective way using the language of a scientific communication addressed also to non-specialist people, is verified through presentation, on multimedia support, of the work done.
The work done by the student will be evaluated: 1) geomorphological mapping from aerial photos and in the field up to a maximum of 18/30 points; 2) drawing up of the geomorphological map and writing of the explanatory notes, up to a maximum of 9/30 points; 3) exposure of the work done through the use of multimedia tools, up to a maximum of 6/30 points. Praise is gained with a score of 33.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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