cod. PC15709

Academic year 2018/19
1° year of course - First semester
Giuliana MASERA
Academic discipline
Discipline demoetnoantropologiche (M-DEA/01)
Scienze propedeutiche
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
course unit

Integrated course unit module: General nursing I and bioethics

Learning objectives

The course of Demoetnoanthropology has the goal of

- To deepen themes such as dialogue, listening, relationship, recognition and respect in order to identify and describe the problems present in the relationships established with people belonging to different cultures, allowing the student to be able to use existing skills in practice nursing services.


Nothing else to report

Course unit content

Elements that characterize contemporary society. The socio-cultural scenario.
- The migratory phenomenon.
- Existential skills as a way to approach, recognize the needs of the other.
- Elements of methodology of phenomenological research.

Full programme

The student at the end of the course, using the knowledge must demonstrate knowledge and understanding about:

- the migratory phenomenon as an element characterizing contemporary society the problems related to misunderstandings that may arise in the relationship with the other
- The common path that links anthropology to nursing.

Furthermore, by applying the acquired knowledge and understanding, the student must be able, also collaborating with other professionals, to
- help develop and experiment with intercultural skills.
- identify problems related to the difficulty of linguistic and cultural communication and find possible solutions.
- exercise active listening.


Masera G., Dal rispetto al riconoscimento attraverso il dialogo e la cura, edizioni Il pensiero scientifico, Roma , 2006.

Lipson J., Desantis L., Current Approaches to Integrating Elements of Cultural Competence in Nursing Education, Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 2007 vol.18.
Masera G., Parole e gesti di cura, Effatà, Torino, 2017

Teaching methods

Lectures with the support of audiovisuals and small group exercises on the proposed themes.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of the objectives set by the course includes an oral exam.

Other information

Nothing to report.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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