cod. 1007708

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - First semester
Filippo ARFINI
Academic discipline
Economia ed estimo rurale (AGR/01)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

The course aims to achieve the following objectives.
a. Knowledge and understanding: The course aims to provide the main keys to understanding the specificity of GI and local products.
b. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding. Students will develop skills in the analysis of the main factors that affect the quality of food and its enhancement.
c. Autonomy of judgment. Students will develop a critical sense in judging the GI system and local products in order to favor their promotion and commercial enhancement.
d. Ability to learn. The study method provided includes lectures, group work, individual analysis, discussion of the topics addressed in class


- International management of agribusiness
- European and global food law

Course unit content

The contents of the course deal with the theme of the enhancement of quality food products falling within the types of Geographical Indications (GI) and local products with the aim of: i) providing students with theoretical and practical elements aimed at understanding the characteristics of the GI system , the elements that determine their quality, how to protect and enhance them, ii) the main theoretical approaches with respect to territorial and supply chain dynamics aimed at favoring their reproducibility, specificity and enhancement, iii) the institutional and corporate tools to set a correct policy enhancement of GI products in local and international proximity markets.

Full programme

The topics covered in the course concern the following aspects:
- Geographical indications and local products.
- Disputes in the use of GIs in the local and international market
- Production regulations and third party guarantee systems
- The value chain;
- the role of the territory;
- enhancement strategies;
- techniques for assessing the sustainability of GIs;
- The circle of quality: identification, qualification, enhancement, reproduction


a) Selected readings prepared by the teacher using articles and book chapters in Italian and English.
b) Elisabeth Barham, Bertil Sylvander (Eds). Labels of Origin for Food. Local Development.Global Recognition. p. 29-44. Oxfordshire:CABI. ISBN: 9781845933524
c) Emilie Vandecandelaere, Filippo Arfini, G. Belletti, Andrea Marescotti. (Eds). Linking people. places and products. A guide for promoting quality linked to geographical origin and sustainable Geographical Indications. p. 1-194. Roma:FAO. ISBN: 9789251063743,

Teaching methods

 Frontal lessons;
 Classroom exercises;
 Group work;
 Study visits (if possible)

Assessment methods and criteria

- Individual practical test. Students will have to write a 15-page paper that deals with a case study on the basis of an index provided in class. (evaluated 15/30 points).
- Oral exam. The test will be open to questions on the topics developed in class (assessed 15/30)
- Honors are awarded to those students who fully comply with the requirements. Furthermore, they must demonstrate a systematic knowledge of the subject, an excellent ability to apply the acquired knowledge, autonomy of judgment and particular attention in the formal drafting of the document.
- the thesis will be developed individually before the oral exam and delivered via email. The oral exam, if carried out remotely, will be organized through the teams platform.
- The final grade, communicated after the written test directly in Esse3, will correspond to the arithmetic average of the assessments obtained expressed out of thirty.

Other information

The teaching activity will take place in the presence. However, the lessons will be recorded to allow for asynchronous use. To promote active participation in the course, various individual and small group activities will be proposed, through the use of the resources available in Elly, such as discussion forums and logbooks.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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