cod. 22103

Academic year 2024/25
3° year of course - First semester
Stefania CONTI
Academic discipline
Microbiologia e microbiologia clinica (MED/07)
Discipline mediche
Type of training activity
72 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The first objective of the Microbiology course is to enable the acquisition
of knowledge and understanding about the basics of microbiology
(bacteria, fungi, protozoa, metazoa and viruses of medical interest); host-pathogen
interactions and pathogenesis of infectious diseases;
mechanisms of action and use of common antimicrobial and antiviral
agents, related mechanisms of resistance, emergence and spread of
drug-resistance; host immune response to infectious agents; laboratory
diagnosis of infectious diseases; prevention of infectious diseases. A
further objective is to provide the ability to apply in occupational contexts
the knowledge and understanding acquired in the field of Microbiology
and the required communication skills.


Getting through Fisiologia Generale and Biochimica/Biochimica Applicata

Course unit content

Introduction to Microbiology. General characters and genetics of
microorganisms and viruses, microbial metabolism and cultivation of
microorganisms and viruses, host-parasite relationships in infection and
infectious disease (pathogenicity and virulence). Antimicrobial and
antiviral drugs and related mechanisms of resistance. Host defenses
against infections. Laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases. Prevention
of infectious diseases. Mode of transmission of infectious diseases. Active
and passive immune prophylaxis, chempprophylaxis. Microorganisms in
the pharmaceutical industry.

Full programme

Introduction to Medical Microbiology. The different fields of microbiology.
Microscopic observation of microorganisms and viruses. Optical and
electronic microscopy.
Bacteriology. Bacteriologic stains. Structural and functional
characteristics of the prokaryotic cell. The bacterial spore; bacterial
reproduction. Bacterial metabolism. Classification of bacteria; Cultivation
of bacteria, culture media; The bacterial growth curve. Methods for the
quantitative determination of microorganisms. Bacterial genetics,
chromosomal and extrachromosomal DNA, Transfer of genetic material
and Recombination in bacteria: Transformation, Conjugation and
Transduction; Mutations; Ames test. Host-microorganism relationships.
Human Microbiota. Endogenous and exogenous infectious diseases,
healthcare-associated infections. Koch's postulates. Mechanisms of
bacterial pathogenicity, pathogenicity and virulence. Invasive
mechanisms; Bacterial toxins.
Mycology. General characters of fungi. Pathogenic mechanisms of fungi.
Classification of mycoses. Mycotoxicoses.
Parasitology. General characters of protozoa. Classification of protozoa of
medical interest. Flagellates of the intestinal and urogenital tracts.
Hemoflagellates; Host-associated amoebas and free-living amoebas.
Sporozoa with intestinal localization. Toxoplasma gondii. Plasmodia
responsible for human malaria. Ciliates. Microsporidia. General characters
and classification of metazoans of medical interest (helminths).
Nematodes, Trematodes and Cestodes; Ectoparasitic arthropods.
Virology. General characters of viruses, morphology and structure. The
viral replication cycle. Pathogenic action of viruses; Virus cultivation;
Viroids and virusoids. Prions.
Host's defenses against infections. Innate immunity, acquired immunity.
The laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases.
Antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal and antiviral agents Mechanisms
of drug resistance. Spread of drug-resistance and its consequences.
Prevention of Infectious Diseases. Direct and indirect prophylaxis, active
and passive immune prophylaxis, chemoprophylaxis. Mode of
transmission of infectious diseases. Foodborne diseases, parenteral
transmitted diseases and their prevention. Vaccinoprophylaxis, aims of
vaccination, vaccine groups. Vaccination groups, vaccination calendar.
Sterilization and Disinfection.
Microorganisms in the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceuticals and
recombinant DNA technology.


Visual aids made available online;
N. CARLONE. "Microbiologia Farmaceutica", Società Editrice EdiSES,
Napoli, last available edition.
Murray P.R., Pfaller M.A., Rosenthal K.S. “Microbiologia Medica”, EDRA.
last available edition.
oppure Ryan K.J. Sherris – Microbiologia Medica, EDRA, last available edition.

Teaching methods

The topics concerning the contents of the course will be presented and
discussed through lectures. The main concepts of each topic will be
exposed, emphasizing the links between the various parts of the course
and encouraging the active participation of the students. Lectures will be
held on-site in compliance with safety standards.
Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved
platform (Elly).

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning outcomes will be verified through an oral examination. No interim evaluation is programmed. Questions on the topics relating to the course content will be used to test the student’s knowledge and understanding in the field, and her/his ability to apply the knowledge and understanding in occupational contexts. Failure to answer to one question, or proven inability to demonstrate at least a basic knowledge on the subject, will prevent the successful completion of the exam. Upon successful completion of the examination, a grade (maximum 30, minimim 18) will be attributed according to the degree of achievement of the objectives (excellent, good, fair, fully sufficient, barely sufficient). Honours will be reserved to students demonstrating particular communication skills and independent learning ability. Students with Learning Disabilities/Special Educational Needs must first contact the "Centro di Accoglienza e Inclusione" of the University of Parma (cai@unipr.it).

Other information

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