cod. 1012126

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
Abilità informatiche e telematiche
Type of training activity
28 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

This course aims to provide students with a general understanding of the fundamental principles of computer science. Students will learn the functioning of the binary system and Boolean logic, understanding how numbers, texts, images, sounds, and videos are encoded and stored by computers. They will need to know the general architecture of computers and how they operate, as well as how they communicate with each other through computer networks. Students will practice abstractly designing simple algorithms using essential control structures (if-else, for, while). Finally, students will acquire the skills to conduct effective bibliographic research using dedicated search engines and digital archives, as well as the judgment autonomy to evaluate the quality of the results.


Course unit content

Origins of computer science, Binary system, the Bit, Boolean operators, Encoding of numbers, texts, images, sounds, videos, and related memory usage, File types (.pdf, .jpeg, .mp3.), Computer architecture, Operating systems, Computer networks, Data security and copyright, Algorithms, Control structures (if-else, for, while), Introduction to Large Language Models, Writing a scientific article, review process, Open access, reproducibility of research, Search engines and digital archives, Scopus, Scholar, PubMed, PsyArXiv, BioArXiv

Full programme


- Mezzini M, Informatica di base, Maggioli Editore, 2020.
- Curtin DP, Foley K, Sen K, Morin C, Marengo A, Pagano A, Informatica di base, McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.

Teaching methods

4 credits, 28 hours in class. The total study load for this teaching module ranges between 60 and 100 hours, which is about 20 hours per credit. This includes class hours and individual study. It is not mandatory to use a laptop in class, but it can be useful to personally try out some of the computer tools that will be presented. Continuous assistance is provided in the classroom by the instructor, who is available by appointment (email) for clarifications on the lessons.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final exam consists of a one-hour multiple-choice written test, without the aid of notes or books, aimed at verifying the student's acquisition of basic knowledge and skills in computer science and bibliographic research. Students who score greater than or equal to 60% of the maximum obtainable score will pass.

Other information