cod. 1008161

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Chimica generale e inorganica (CHIM/03)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course is not intended to teach to the future teachers chemistry in its conceptual structure, but, after revising some basic concepts, to develop viable and effective ways to achieve the objectives proposed by the ministerial programs of secondary school. The course aims to provide students with the ability to identify the founding nuclei of chemistry and to design and implement Learning Units aimed at secondary school students; to use an appropriate language and to identify teaching programming methodologies appropriate to the context, favoring laboratory teaching. The course aims in particular to introduce the student to the multimedia technologies in support of teaching, so that the future teacher is able to propose original and innovative educational paths, always with a view to integrating knowledge and know-how .


Knowledge of the fundamentals of chemistry, chemical reactivity and structure of chemical compounds.

Course unit content

Main theoretical theories for the design and development of teaching and learning methodologies, with particular reference to chemistry. Analysis of the construction of effective educational paths in accordance with the ministerial programs of secondary school.
Laboratory teaching as a methodology for chemistry learning: role and operational examples.
The chemical thought from macroscopic to microscopic and symbolism: the problem of the didactic transposition. Analysis of the presentation of the main topics of basic chemistry for secondary school, with particular attention to the specific role of the teacher and to the conceptual, epistemological, linguistic and didactic nodes: matter and states of aggregation of matter, particle nature of the subject , mixtures of substances, changes in state, techniques of separation of substances, chemical bonding.

Full programme

General chemistry (Structure of matter. Homogeneous systems and heterogeneous systems. Elements, compounds, mixtures. Particle model of matter. Atoms and their structure. Elements and periodic system. Chemical bonds and chemical compounds. Physical transformations and chemical transformations. Reactions and chemical equations, the aggregation states of matter, changes of state.)
Chemistry teaching in secondary school: learning methodologies, methods and tools of chemistry teaching.
Examples of educational units on the topics covered in the course.
From the point of view of the didactic transposition in the practice of Chemistry teaching, particular attention will be given to the laboratory activity as fundamental in the teaching-learning relationship:
The laboratory as a fully equipped classroom and a place for learning: paths and reflections on the relationship between knowledge and know-how (observation, design, experience, experiment).


The slides presented in the classroom and lessons in video format (e-learning) are available online on the Elly platform

Teaching methods

The course will be carried out in "blended" mode, ie the student will be provided with integrated multimedia material and lessons. The lectures carried out in a frontal way include the use of educational material in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, which will be available under the heading "Learning material" on Elly platform. The lessons will not, however, have a transmissive structure, but will involve as much as possible a dialogue with the students. Simple laboratory demonstrations will be proposed in order to create a good point of contact between theoretical knowledge and classroom practice. The multimedia material includes "lesson modules" in format of videolessons and / or text, video, self-test and self-learning

Assessment methods and criteria

The course includes an oral examination, aimed at assessing disciplinary knowledge, skills and learning. The student will be asked to prepare a teaching unit on a chemical topic present in the ministerial programs, in order to evaluate the teaching transposition capabilities of these subjects, as well as the level of autonomy and knowledge of the discipline itself.

Other information

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