cod. 05965

Academic year 2009/10
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Disegno (ICAR/17)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
Hub-specific activity
90 hours
of face-to-face activities
10 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course objective is the consolidation of acquisitions essential for the correct and complete description of the constructed object and its components, aiming for a comprehensive and articulated representation.


The course objective is the consolidation of acquisitions essential for the correct and complete description of the constructed object and its components, aiming for a comprehensive and articulate representation. The goal is pursued through knowledge of the architectural and urban environment in order to understand and depict on various scales, the architectural space and the components, through the development of knowledge of representational techniques, especially those inherent in the new digital design instrumentation. <br />
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A strong understanding of the various projectional methods is essential. <br />

Course unit content

 The programme will be conducted through the identification of the correct ways of reading and representation of the urban environment, of its paths and environments and through the representation of its components, to understand the meaning of design as a means of documentation and of study for the representation of the architectural and urban context. <br />
In the lectures the role of representation will be examined for the management of the survey and of the project, from the conceptual phase to that of realisation, working on several architectural applications as agreed upon with the professor. <br />
For this, after having addressed the theoretical and methodological aspects of this discipline, a survey will be made directly on a building with subsequent computerized graphic restitution on a scale of 1:50. <br />
The lectures will continue with the analysis of the instrumentation and procedures for the distinctive project design: from the sketch to the digital model, addressing the various stages of the working project (devising, planning, definition and construction of the architectural object) and of the related techniques of representation and of graphic and modeling synthesis, again going over the entire procedure through the application of the principal concepts on an agreed upon building. <br />
By means of the presentation of the most common computerized design programmes of the parametric type and of three-dimensional modeling, the digital technologies for the processing of information will then be illustrated for purposes of representative integration, effecting the editing of printouts, of both the survey and the project through the choice of one among the proposed software. <br />
In detail, the lectures revolve around the following subject-matters: <br />
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Geometric structural form: the method - iconic language and symbolic language – recognition of the form on the architectural scale: the instruments and procedures – recognition of the form to the scale of the city and landscape: the instruments and procedures. <br />
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Urban survey: survey issues on the urban scale aimed at defining and understanding the images of the city – historical-iconographic research - the reading of basic cartography and processing of thematic analysis – expeditious survey of construction curtain walls and graphic restoration <br />
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Architectural survey: definitions – survey issues on the architectural scale – methods of and instruments of direct survey - eidotype of plans, elevations, sections, architectural/constructional details - methods of measurement - manual and computerized graphic restoration: methodology and problems – geometric survey and representation of basic themes. <br />
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Project design: the types of detailed designs: the devising of the project; project description; multimedia communication of the project; the presentation of the project - project phases: preliminary, final, working. <br />
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Digital representation of the project: overview of the most common parametric software: Allplan, ArchiCAD, Revit, 3D Studio Max. <br />
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At the conclusion of the lectures and confirmation of the subject-matter that was covered, the realisation of a series of plates will be required that envision the application of the concepts learned relating to the principles of survey and design representation on different scales, concluding with the realisation of an urban framework of the subject in the context, as well as the drawing, in scale 1:100 and 1:50, of the plans, elevations, sections, of one axonometric section plane and of a detailed construction of a building, as previously agreed upon with the professor. <br />
The building elements represented will be composed on graphic plates in A1 format (84 x 59.4 cm), horizontally positioned, (later printed in reduced form - A3 - and bound with a metal spiral in file form that will serve as documentation of the work carried out and as such will be collected by the professor). <br />
The representational technique to be used for the realisation of these final plates to be presented at the examination (to be subjected to obligatory review by the professor), is necessarily that of a computerized design, expressed through the use of parametric software of the student’s choice. <br />

Full programme

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On architectural survey: <br />
M. Docci, D. Maestri, Il rilevamento architettonico. Storia, metodi e disegno, Laterza, Bari-Rome, 1983. <br />
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On urban survey: <br />
R. Arnheim, La dinamica della forma architettonica, Feltrinelli, Milan, 1994. <br />
C. Vernizzi: Parma e la via Emilia. Città storica, città moderna e asse fondativo: rilievo e rappresentazione, Mattioli 1885, Fidenza, 2004. <br />
A. Rolando, Forma, geometria, struttura per il disegno dell’architettura, della città e del paesaggio, CittàStudi Edizioni, Novara, 2008. <br />
<br />
On project design: <br />
M. Docci, F. Mirri, La redazione grafica del progetto architettonico, NIS, Rome, 1989. <br />
C. Mezzetti (a cura di), Il disegno dell’Architettura Italiana nel XX secolo, Edizioni Kappa, Rome, 2003. <br />
P. Clini, Architetture in CAD, metodi e tecniche per la rappresentazione, Pitagora editrice, Bologna, 2008. <br />
M. Canciani, I disegni di progetto. Costruzioni, tipi e analisi, CittàStudi Edizioni, Novara, 2009. <br />

Teaching methods

The examination is constituted by the presentation of graphic processing of the survey and project drawn up on an agreed upon topic, regarded as proof of the resulting education understood as demonstrating the competence critical for selecting the most appropriate techniques of representation, and by an oral interview having as its object the topics dealt with during lectures and seminars.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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