cod. 13056

Academic year 2008/09
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Informatica (INF/01)
Discipline informatiche, storiche, filosofiche, psicologiche e pedagogiche
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

- Giving basic notions about computers <br />
- Showing how to manage a computer <br />
- Discussing the mainstream software licenses and data formats and develop a sensibility to these aspects. <br />
- Showing how a web site is programmed, focusing on hypertexts for communications. <br />


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 There are no special prerequisites.

Course unit content

Basic notions about computers. History of computer science; binary and hexadecimal numbers; measure units in computer science; hardware. <br />
The operating system. Basic functionalities of the OS. Filesystems. Working with the filesystem: files and folders. Multi-user systems and access permissions. <br />
Licenses. Licenses for software and documentation; free, open-source and proprietary software. <br />
Standards and formats. Patents on software and formats. Definition and features of several file formats, including graphics, multimedia, office and archives. <br />
Networks and Internet. History of the World wide web. Network protocols. E-mail. Web browsers. Search engines. Security and privacy. <br />
Hypertexts. Creating web pages. The W3C standards: HTML, XML, XHTML; CSS style sheets. Using JavaScript and AJAX. Validators. Web accessibility and usability. 

Full programme

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<p>Handouts, freely available at</p>

Teaching methods

<p>- Written test<br />
- Practical web programming test<br />
- Oral test</p>

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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