Non-selective test

Admission to the course requires the ability to understand informative/argumentative written texts in Italian on philosophical, geographical, pedagogical, psychological and sociological subjects. To this end, a verification of entry requirements will be carried out during the first year of the course.

Students who have passed the First-cycle degree examination with a score of 90/110 or higher are deemed to meet the entry requirements and consequently do not have to take the examination. Those who have passed the First-cycle degree examination with a score of less than 90/110 will have to take the test to prove that they meet the above requirements.

The test essentially consists of an interview during which the student will be asked to read and comment on short written texts in Italian on sociological, philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and geographical topics.

Students who, during the interview, do not demonstrate good reading comprehension and/or do not adequately comment on the texts, will have to do a special supplementary activity. The integrative activity will be open to all students who see fit to take advantage of it, particularly those from other universities or from non-pedagogical degrees.

The interview schedule will be published on the Home Page of the Course website and sent to the institutional e-mail address.